
Friday, 29 May 2015

Are you thinking of Consolidating Student Loans

It seemed like easy money. Jennifer, a university senior, took on thousands of dollars of student-loan debt without giving it much thought–until now. Just weeks from graduation, she is applying for nursing jobs in a tough market and suddenly coming face-to-face with the fact that in six months, she’ll have to start making monthly payments of around $600 on her $40,000 debt.
“All I had to do was sign on to the Sallie Mae Web site, check off a few boxes and wait for the money to be disbursed,” she says. “The thought of repaying it never really hits you until graduation time.”

If only the task of repaying student loans was as easy as taking them out. Instead, it’s a complex process with which millions of college grads must grapple. Two out of every three undergraduates at the graduation stage end up with some form of student debt, according to a 2008 College Board study. The average: $22,700 per graduate–and that doesn’t count the student-loan debt incurred by the half of entering college students who never earn a degree.

With three federal loans and seven private ones, Emily is in a situation familiar to college seniors and recent graduates across the nation. Like her, many consider consolidating their loans as a way to lower their monthly payments and simplify their finances. The theory is that, either by stretching out repayment of the loans or refinancing them at lower interest rates, the borrower can reduce monthly payments. Unfortunately, it’s not a strategy that works for everyone.

One problem for people like Jennifer is that federal loans cannot be consolidated with private ones. Another is that beginning in July 2006, all federal student loans began carrying fixed interest rates. Before then, federal loans were issued with variable rates; by consolidating them, borrowers could often lock in a rate that was lower than what they were paying on each loan separately.

Now there is no financial benefit to consolidating federal loans, other than having a single monthly payment and access to alternative repayment plans.

If you can afford to make the payments on your loans, consolidation isn’t going to help you. If, on the other hand, you are having trouble making your monthly payments or think that you will in the future, consolidation can present several alternatives.

Remember, though, that while practically all repayment plans lower the monthly payments, they also add on several thousand dollars in interest costs by stretching out the life of the loan. If, for example, you stretch out a standard 10-year student loan to 20 years, you can cut monthly payments by 34%, but you will end up paying double the amount of interest over that time.

If some or all of your loans were written before July 2006–say, in your freshman year of college if you are graduating this year–wait until after July 1, 2009 to consolidate. He predicts the interest rate will tumble to a historic low of 2.6% from its current 4.2%. Borrowers who have already consolidated won’t be permitted to do so again at the new rate.

Starting this July, borrowers who have federal student loans can opt for a new income-based repayment plan. This may be a smart option for those entering fields with relatively low salaries, like public service. Under the plan, which is open to anyone with federal loans, the monthly payments are capped at a certain percentage of the borrower’s income.

The rate is defined as the difference between the person’s adjusted gross income (the amount on which you are subject to pay federal taxes) and 150% of the federal poverty level (which comes out to $16,245 for an unmarried person with no children, based on current rates).

For an unmarried individual with no children and an adjusted gross income of $40,000, monthly payments would be capped at $365. An increase in salary would mean an increase in the monthly payment. If the full amount borrowed is still not paid off after 25 years of these payments, the remaining balance is forgiven.

Students who have already started repaying loans can opt for the income-based repayment plan, but there is an important point here: Doing so will restart the clock and give your loan a new term of 25 additional years.

Jennifer, the senior, like many students, had to turn to private loans to cover what federal programs would not. Private loans, unlike federal ones, carry variable interest rates. Consolidating them may save students money.

If, when the borrower took out the loan, he had a limited credit history, as most students do, three or four years of making regular payments on a credit card or an impressive employment history can improve a credit score by 100 points or more. That, in turn, can persuade a lender to reduce the interest charged as a result of a loan consolidation.

Borrowers can get a lower rate now, and their rate may not jump as high in the future.
Another potential benefit of consolidating your private loan is the removal of a co-signer, which can save a parent or relative from a potential liability. This is possible after 24 to 48 months of making regular payments.

If you would like to consolidate your private student loans, you should turn to either Chase, NextStudent, Student Loan Network or Wells Fargo . All offer slightly differing terms, and all have caps on the amount of total debt you can consolidate.

Important questions to ask a consolidator are whether it charges origination fees, if there are prepayment penalties, what the maximum interest rate is and what the life of the loan will be. Read the terms carefully, and if possible, have a friend or relative do the same. If you don’t understand something, ask the lender until you get a straight answer. After all, you’re entering into a contract that can last as long as 30 years.

Steer clear of any lender that charges a prepayment fee. You’ll want the option to pay off the loan early without being penalized for it.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Should You Consolidate Student Loans?

e words that invokes an image of simplicity, organization, and perhaps even tranquility. Instead of countless bills, you can simply consolidate and Reasons For Consolidating

There are several reasons why you may want to consolidate your student loans. For one, consolidating student loans simplifies your debt repayment process. Instead of lots of lenders to deal with, you can deal with one lender and one debt. Even if you have several federal student loans and several private loans, you could consolidate the federal loans together, and then consolidate the private loans together, leaving you with only two lenders to deal with (you cannot consolidate federal student loans with private student loans).
A second and very common reason to consolidate your student loans is to take advantage of lower interest rates. You can lock in a lower fixed rate, for the life of the loan and not have to worry about rate increases over the years.
A third reason for some people is the desire to lower their monthly payments. Sometimes consolidating your student loans will allow you to get a lower monthly payment (although this may lead to a longer repayment terOf m). 

Reasons to Be Cautious of Consolidating Your Student Loans

For the reasons stated above, you may be tempted to take a lower interest rate in exchange for paying on the loan for many more years than the original loan repayment period. In situations where you do not have employment, or otherwise do not have money, this could be a great option for you so that you don’t find yourself in forbearance in the short-term. However, you would need to look at the long-term implications of extending your loan repayment period.
A crucial question to ask during any consolidation consultation is how much interest you will be paying over the length of the loan repayment period for each of the options they are presenting to you.
You should also be aware that when you consolidate a student loan you often lose any lender benefits from the previous loans. For example, lender benefits you received from your original student loans included a 0.25% interest rate deduction if you scheduled automatic payments, and a 1% interest rate deduction after making 36 on-time and consistent payments. Had you consolidated with a different lender, then these benefits would have gone away.
Finally, safeguard your new interest rate that it is lower than your current interest rate. This is usually the main point of consolidating loans, and one that could greatly help accelerate your debt repayment. If you combine several loans together and one has a high interest rate, it could end up making the interest rate for the consolidation loan higher than necessary — and cost you additional funds. Also, if you happen to lock in a certain interest rate through consolidation and later realize that you could have gotten a lower rate, it will probably be too late.

Interest Rate Strategy in Consolidating Your Loans

After carefully considering the pros and cons, if you are interested in consolidating your student loans there is one more thing to consider: your strategy. The interest rate you will be given is going to be based on all of the interest rates on the loans that you currently have, so be sure to work with the student loan debt consolidator in finding the best formula of debt consolidation.
In other words, if you have four federal student loans with interest rates at around 3%, and one with an interest rate of 6%, then you might not want to consolidate the 6% interest rate loan in with the others as it will increase the rate on the bigger lump of debt. Instead, pay the minimum on the consolidated sum of debt and turn your energy towards eliminating the unconsolidated loan.